Wednesday, June 11, 2008

claustraphobic in colorado

so its really difficult to type because i'm super cramped in the back seat of a ford excursion next to chris right now. We just landed in denver for some shows and the runner picked us up in this huge suv. you would think that would be big enough right? wrong. not for six guys, a bunch of luggage, gear, and one huge dan gartley bass case. so needless to say its pretty miserable right now and will be for the next two hours or so. We should be ok as long a we can keep our propped up legs from falling asleep for good and gear from sliding onto our heads. bye for now, hopefully we survive this ok.


Anonymous said...

you poor poor rocker :[

Cassie said...

oh my, did you live?

Unknown said...

Did Dan pay you for that Craigslist ad? If not, you should get a cut off of the sale.

Unknown said...

I just now saw this post. laughed so hard i got some snot on my keyboard. did i tell you i left my wireless laptop card in that same vehicle?